
Veterinary Assistant

Bridget has loved animals for as long as she can remember. Growing up in Claremont with her 3 sisters, she spent most of her free time exploring outside or reading books. Her interest in science led to a career in animal medicine where she began as a volunteer at a local animal hospital. 

After graduating from Cal Poly Pomona with a BS in Animal Science in 2010, she moved to San Diego to work with marine mammals for an internship with the Navy. Fully enjoying San Diego living, she stayed to be close to family and eventually went back to small animal medicine as a veterinary assistant in a general practice. 

When Bridget isn't working with fur babies, she is chasing her toddler around at home. They enjoy exploring the zoo, arts and crafts and planning trips to Disneyland. She has one rescue dog "Luna" who loves to relax in the sun.